PPGI | (92) 3305-1181 Ramal 1193 / (92) 99128-5875 |

A Coordenação do Programa de Pós-graduação em Informática PPGI/UFAM tem o prazer de convidar toda a comunidade para a palestra:

Information-Centric Networking in Wireless and Mobile Networks



PALESTRANTE: Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun

LOCAL: Sala de Seminários do IComp

DATA: 12/01/2018 

HORÁRIO: 10h:00min



Prof. Eduardo Luzeiro Feitosa

Coordenador do PPGI

Short Bio



In this talk we discuss challenges and opportunities of information-centric networking (ICN) in wireless and mobile networks. First, we describe NetCod, an approach using network coding in multi-path network environments to support efficient and reliable video streaming. We investigate the use of ICN in vehicular networks and present a solution for the Reverse Path Partitioning problem, which occurs when Data messages can not be sent along the same path as established by Interest messages. We discuss a virtualized architecture for cellular networks, where edge network caches can be proactively filled with data dependent on users' mobility.  This approach, however, achieves good performance when users' mobility can be predicted accurately. Thus, we investigated proactive caching mechanisms, which are more robust to mobility prediction mistakes, by caching in nodes somewhat closer to the core of the network. Finally, we discuss our recent work on mobility prediction in cellular networks exploiting the combination of various machine learning mechanisms. 


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